The grizzly feeders have been designed to excel in the harshest conditions and applications. High abrasion resistance, durable heat-treated drive console and high quality vibrators ensure peak efficiency, reliable feeding and effective long-term operation with minimum breakdowns.
Grizzly Feeders
MGF series of grizzly feeders are designed to meet a wide variety of client needs. Primary series grizzly feeders are suitable for use with both fine river gravels and coarse blasted rocks. MEKA grizzly feeders are adapted to this range of use thanks to the heat-treated drive console (for stress relief), bolted joints and hardox abrasion-resistant liners.
The vibrators used on our feeders are of internationally approved quality, and serve to increase feeder performance to the highes t level. The frequency of these vibrators is adjustable through the control panel, making it very easy to maintain the grizzly feeder’s performance at peak levels according to the nature of the rock being crushed.
Pan Feeder With Grizzly Scalper
The pan feeders with grizzly scalper have been designed for the most difficult conditions and applications. Various grizzly bar options make our feeders suitable for primary separation applications. Compact and high capacity with an effective grizzly design and a second deck allows for effectively liberating more fines.
MSF series of pan feeders with grizzly scalper are designed to meet a wide variety of client needs. Primary series pan feeders with grizzly scalper are suitable for use with both fine river gravels and coarse blasted rocks. MEKA pan feeders with grizzly scalper are adapted to this range of use thanks to the heat-treated drive console (for stress relief), bolted joints and hardox abrasion-resistant liners.
The vibrators used on our feeders are of internationally approved quality, and serve to increase feeder performance to the highest level. The frequency of these vibrators is adjustable through the control panel, making it very easy to maintain the pan feeders with grizzly scalper’s per formance at peak levels according to the nature of the rock being crushed.
Pan Feeders
The pan feeders have been designed for the toughest conditions and applications. A variety of sizes and types make our feede rs suitable for the constant feeding of crushers and screens after the primary crushing stage. Both base mounted and suspended models with large drive units and proper feed chutes are de signed to make high feed rates even of coarse materials possible.
The MPF series of pan feeders are designed to meet a wide variety of client needs. Primary series pan feeders are suitable for use with both fine river gravels and coarse blasted rocks. These pan feeders are adapted to this range of use thanks to the heat-treated drive console (for stress relief), bolted joints and hardox abrasion-resistant liners.
The vibrators used on our feeders are of internationally approved quality, and serve to increase feeder performance to the highest level. The frequency of these vibrators is adjustable through the control panel, making it very easy to maintain the pan feeder’s performance at peak levels according to the nature of the rock being crushed.
Secondary series pan feeders are very efficient, both for feeding the materials in the pre-stock area to the secondary crushers as well as for operating under the hopper. Our secondary series pan feeders are designed to feed the material from a pre-stock area or bin without carrying the complete material load, so it’s possible to feed materials of a smaller size while retaining high performance.
Apron Feeders
The Apron Feeders are of rugged, heavy duty construction and designed to handle large lumps and where no fines removal is required or where fines are removed by a separate Scalper.
When the feed material is wet, sticky or clay like, the Apron Feeder is the machine to select. Generally, the Apron Feeder can be installed in a horizontal or inclined position. The high inclination also allows to build compact installations and to reduce the length of the Apron Feeder keeping the investment costs low.
As an optional extra, Apron Feeders can incorporate a Dribble Conveyor which is located under the feeder to catch the small pieces, fines and lumps of material that became trapped on the feed side of the apron pans and dribble out on the return side.This feature eliminates manual clean up and saves on man hours.
An Apron Feeder is run at very low speeds and at a controlled feed rate as it absorbs the impact loads of the material falling from a dump truck or a front-end loader and is ideal for withdrawing material from under a stockpile or from under a Primary Crusher.
Heavy duty and robust apron feeders are engineered and built with an intense commitment to quality and attention to detail, providing maximum uptime and many years of service life. Because of their durable, longlife components, our apron feeders are low maintenance even under severe conditions.
Woobler Feeder
Especially in case of difficult to screen, wet, sticky bulk materials this kind of feeding and scalping distinctly outclasses the traditional screening machines, which frequently show baking and adhesions with these materials. The positive action of the rotating triangular bars causes material to tumble forward ass uring separation of fines and a uniform feed rate. In heavy duty, high capacity applications, the wobbler is often fed from a heavy duty apron feeder. Our wobbler feeder series has been installed globally over the years and has been proved to be a very successful piece of equipment allowing for the screening and cleaning of wet, muddy and sticky materials.
Exclusively designed non clogging and self cleaning triangular bars, it is a sturdy machine suitable for heavy duty work.
Recommended for pre-screening and cleaning of dirty material with a high content of clay and moisture.Furthermore the downstream crusher is relieved through a wobbler feeder which obviously results in reduced wear, a reduced energy consumption and at best in using a smaller crusher.